


1019: um one i- oh- one thing that was going to have to come up is uh
2019: the one guiding principle that we need and we're going to need input from this group
3019: sometime relatively soon not immediately is a map.
4019: We thought that that is something that's been missing from one of the open houses that was at another,
5028: %mmm-hmm
6019: so that everyone's told go to this place and this is the start of the tour and until then they won't know what's going on.
7005: %mmm
8002: mm
9019: But we'll have some kind of a map that'll say if you go to this room you're going to see these projects and these are the people who are in charge.
11002: mm-hmm
12005: %mmm
13019: And we can discuss what the content of that kind of a map would be, but %um I think that's the one thing
14019: *cause I sort of like I go through a room. It's like
16019: where do I go now? we all know exactly where our spaces are, but people who are coming from across the street or downstairs or something won't know where we consider our labs to be even.
18005: %hmm
20002: yeah
21002: mm-hmm
23005: also just having kind of orientation rooms, the place that people start, and we can advertize that in the posters or the emails that we send out draw.
24002: mm-hmm
25019: we can also put the food there
26005: and we can put food and a info sheet information sheet that says the rooms that we have the demos and you know what project or what program is b being demo'd at that room.
28005: and kind of a contact person for that project. and so everybody come that room and grab one sheet and there they know where to go when
30019: and it think it's important that that p maybe we should have little things on our badges or something that flag us as the responsible person for
31019: i walked up to a lot of things where
33019: I didn't know who to talk with about it, and maybe I came a little late, and they felt that all the really interested people had already been there. I don't know.
34002: mm-hmm
35005: or maybe we a and we can ask all the staff of one project to around the posters or the you know the station of that project is being *demo'd
36005: at least one person or two persons should be there at all the time, so as soon as somebody approach to that poster or that station he or she can start explaining it.
37002: mm
38019: *s'right
39003: you can
40002: I think i think i like the badge idea I think that's a good idea to uh because we have f- a whole bunch of people floating around you don't know who's staff and whose visiting and um
42005: mmm
43019: right, bu- there just people I don't know
44002: yeah
45003: but you can also put outside of each lab area that has demos
46003: a big poster not a real big one but saying
47003: what the name of the room is what the name of the lab is what demos or posters are in that room
48002: mm
49019: {thoatclear
50003: and the people that are there to help you do whatever you want so when there walking down the hall and if they don't have their map or
52003: they lost their map or something they see something and then they can go in because they know where where the stuff is
53019: right
54002: yeah actually I could almost see the the map as being a like uh a sheet of paper with short abstracts about each of the the projects you know who the contacts are
55019: that's a good idea
56028: mmhmm
57002: and a couple of sentences what the project is about where it's located post that on the door of each of the rooms and highlight the one that's in that room
58003: right
59003: right
60019: mmhmm good idea
61002: hmm
63019: good idea
64029: if you want multiple people from each group doing these things and
65019: oh kay
67029: multiple posters and demos which I wa- understood, I don't see how that can all happen within one lab
68028: mmhmm
69019: okay %uh how would you %um
73019: yeah
74003: }
79029: I had assumed that we would be sort of be doing a demo and maybe one poster in our lab, but the other ones would have to spill out into the hallway or into office or something.
80028: mmhmm
81019: that's perfectly reasonable too
82029: okay
83019: perfectly reasonable
84019: I'd think that we'd probably want to use the wall space around the focal lab for related things
85019: but that could be put on the map and say I don't know you could even draw a picture here's the wall here and you're going to see this thing and here's the wall here and you see this.
87029: okay
88019: but I would like to have people standing next to those things
89019: there's nothing worse than going to a conference and you actually get yourself up to go to the poster session
90019: and then you just sort of walk around and read posters. I can do that. But it the interesting thing is being there and having the give and take with the person who's actually responsible for the work.
92002: mm-hmm
93019: so
94019: I found that, as a very super junior person, the most interesting kind of thing, *cause you get a lot of feedback, and people will be willing to talk down to the
96019: whenever you program this you can do it this way, instead of these big global ideas about where your project goes, but if you want to talk about that you can
99019: get so much out of a poster kind of session
100019: so these are the programs
102005: %uh for the smart space %uh I believe most of the things that we can demo at smart space are here in the meeting room too, right
103019: where do I fit oh
106002: "/>hasn't actually run any demos in here but I suppose it's possible
107005: so
109005: uh- th- th- uh- the demo is using the mic array for running a speech recognizer so, except that, anything else, the smart flow can be a poster demo around here the microphone array can be a smart %uh s- poster demo, so
110002: mm-hmm
111005: %uh ^Vince comes at ten. I'll go and talk to him. But perhaps we can use smart smart space for that purpose and have all the demos of smart space here in meeting room
114005: %uh if you think it's reasonable
117002: so u- u- u- you proposing that smart space is the central meeting place er
119005: now for the orientation room where we would where the people go and get that info sheet because we also need
121002: okay is u- u- I don't know if if we would want people streaming in and out of that room is kind of cramped there's a lot of stuff laying around
123005: %uh with the _A_M_T the mmhmm
124002: um I was almost think having people start down in the employee lounge area
125029: today
126003: right did
127029: the ^Byte ^Size ^Lounge
128006: the +venting area mm-hmm
130003: right
131005: adi m peri lahnd
132003: that would have the food and th- beverages and maps and
133019: which lounge
134029: the ^Byte ^Size ^Lounge
135005: oh
138019: oh, cool, yeah, I forgot about that
139005: oh
140006: where the vending area is
141028: employee lounge
142029: I
143002: i call it employee lounge but I mean that's yeah by- byte size room
146019: yeah, the ^Byte ^Size ^Lounge, I know
149028: which one is that? the first one?
150029: th- it's official
151006: yeah the +venti- where the vending machines are at the end of the hallway
152029: it s- has ^Byte ^+Size
153019: ^Byte ^Size ^Lounge
155028: oh yeah
159019: oh, that's a good idea
160005: that's
161003: you learn something new everyday
168003: I can go home now
179019: so we could do the registra- and that's good that's right at the entrace to the buil-
180003: yeah, we can put a couple tables out there, yo
181002: yeah
182019: the place where most people cn-
183019: yeah
184003: if you have %ahm
187003: like abstracts or anything else you can have sheets of paper
189003: about the different demos and stuff like that so people can take piec- you know the the explanations and then go to the rooms with the maps
190002: mm-hmm
191019: sure
192028: and I think we should call for maybe a different entrance because some people may come in from the other door I mean w- th- th- the employee lounge it is good k. is a suggestion
193019: that's good
194005: that's right
195028: I think if ahb dee uh
197028: %uh you know participant are coming in, I would really prefer like the idea of like having a single sheet of %uh a map location that where each of the %uh %uh the projects
198028: and just maybe have a list of the projects because if like
199028: if I only have one hour I know y- this call one eleven to one or two or whatever but you've only got I only got one hour I would like to look at the list of the programs
200003: mmm hmm
201005: two hour
203002: mm-hmm
204028: which one's more uh vah liv and may- w- which one is more interest to me
205028: or I could go to this one this is like right here room number ff-
206003: right
207028: two oh ff- whatever
208028: so like th- the map will have %uh the location and then n- no abstract but just only like the titles of the %uh the projects because
209028: maybe too crowded to for one paper then
211019: but once you drill down, once you're at the room
212028: when you do down there then you have more
213028: you know maybe a br- brochure maybe a sheet of paper overview or details about the projects and so on, then you can talk to the person and
214002: mm
216028: and I I really wish because I when I when I walk out from the Mc- McCurry School and _A_N_T_D group
218028: I mean I got some hang- a h- handouts
219028: from his group then is kind of like a
220028: bit a piece a here, I mean like
221028: I really wish to have %uh maybe have overall maybe %uh a shheet of paper have a to the project point of contact
224028: %uh then I, if I need to go back, to maybe call them
225028: and I know what project who's working on those projects
227003: mmm hmm
228028: so it kind of give you a summary of like in though speech
229028: %uh
230028: smart space I mean like you know John you know
232002: mm-hmm
233028: so I could
234028: because I when I got th- th- the piece of paper it some of it dah duh huh main suh they wait a minute
235028: who should I call
236002: mm
237003: yeah what you can do is you can have a a doublesided piece of paper too
239002: yeah
240028: yes
241003: you know so one has the map and and the projects and stuff and on the other side you can have maybe a little abstract and the key people
242003: for those demos
243028: mmm hmm
244002: mm mm
245003: so when you walk and you're like this and this and then you walk in and you have a a a larger explanation of what's going on and stuff like that.
247028: that's fine
248028: right
249003: and you can have them in the room and down in the entertainment center so that they can pick it up down there on the way in to read about it
252003: or if they forget when they're in the room they can pick it up down there on the way out
253028: mmm hmm mmm hmm
254002: mm
256005: %uh how +bout this that right %um
257005: %uh lead people to that room to get
258005: one just one sheet, a very detailed sheet, the rooms the name of project and maybe one one %uh sentence description of that
259005: and in the entrance of each of the labs %uh one sheet for each project the project name contact name abstract of that project's
262005: and perhaps a _U_R_L of that, and then people can collect them you know for each of the project and then later %uh you know if they want to contact one person and so you know you go and come and
266005: see all the projects but later say oh which which project was that or who was this so they can go a different way then and
268019: we could to that I think I end up from these things coming back with like this stack of stuff which I'll never look at again but I if I had one
269002: "/>that's th- the thing
270003: +right
271005: folder
272019: piece I think the idea of having the *url of the project is a good one so we could have
273002: mm
274002: yeah
275005: hmm
276019: name of the project contact person *url of the project then they can get all the data that they need by typing that in
277005: mmm
278002: mm-hmm
279005: hmm hmm
280002: yeah
281019: and that reduces it to a still a single sheet of paper which is good
282005: oh sure
283002: i i think before we make the final decisions on this we need to decide how many projects we're going to highlight because that's going to scope how we scale this thing
284019: yes
285005: mm
286006: mmhmm
287003: right
289006: mmm hmm
290019: do you have any ideas in your
292005: grew
293019: in the place where you consider yourself are we consider it by groups or by programs
295002: uh
296006: well I know we want to cover the major programs and maybe %um based on what people can volunteer easily we can start filling in
297006: the demos and see where we are there and see where people have projects or have given posters and have the posters or they know
298019: right
299006: it's going to be easy to create a poster type of a thing and maybe we can flesh it out in that way
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