For examples of just some of the past events that the Faculty Outreach and Engagement Team has been involved in since the teams inception in April 2022 please see below. For any queries regarding outreach activities please email

Camp Aspire15 - 17 JanFaculty of Science and Engineering had the opportunity to work again with our partners at Walanga Muru on their Camp Aspire event, which saw 57 promising Year 12 indigenous students from across New South Wales engage in a two-day program including a full day of activities for those with the Science and Engineering as their area of interest. They toured our facilities and participated in hands-on activities. It also included a inter-disciplinary  aspect across all our faculties.
City of Ryde  Families Sustainability Festival17 JanThis event run by City of Ryde and held at Top Ryde Library was a sustainable focused event. FSE offered a variety of activity-based offerings which showcased research as well as sustainable practices . A highly engaging and successful event with over 750 in attendance.
Camp Aspire17-18 Jan Faculty of Science and Engineering had the opportunity to work with our partners at Walanga Muru on their Camp Aspire event, which saw 20+ promising Year 12 indigenous students from across New South Wales engage in a two-day Science and Engineering program. These students chose Science and Engineering as their area of interest. They toured our facilities and participated in hands-on activities.
National  Youth Science Forum18 JanThe NYSF is a not-for-profit charity that delivers youth-led programs to encourage young people in their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
DiGRAA6 -7 FebThe Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Australia 2023 National Conference
Engineering Your Future7 MarA series of Engineering workshops for school girls in Years 7-10 × Designed & facilitated by WEIT & Student Outreach Teams from our key Engineering Universities
Kinds of Minds Conference6-8 MarMacquarie  Minds, Intelligence Initiative hosted a workshop.
Big Day in at UTS14- 15 MarThe School of Computing showcased its programs and research at this two-day exhibition at UTS, designed to inspire high school students on the many career avenues in Information Technology. 
Engineers Australia - Autumn School21 AprEngineers Australia brought 60 highly engaged Engineering student hopefuls from all over NSW to Macquarie for an activity-based session and tour of the University. The students participated in an activity on renewable energy. The aim was for them to consider how to transform wind and solar energy into electrical energy by building miniature wind turbines and measuring the electrical current they produce compared to the solar panels. Students explored how design and position affect electrical energy production.

Big Day In – ACS Careers Fair - Western Sydney University

18 May The School of Computing showcased its programs and research at this one-day exhibition at WSU designed to inspire high school students on the many career avenues in Information Technology. Just like this same event at UTS earlier in the year, the School was also able to provide some Virtual Reality demos, that were constructed by final year Games students.
ASA DataFest 202321 - 23 Apr Teams of two to five undergraduate students compete to extract meaningful insight from a rich and complex dataset. Meet like-minded students, academics and data professionals who share your passion for data
ASSAB 202326 - 28 June The Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB) Conference 2023
ASA Annual Meeting3-7 July

The 2023 Astronomical Society of Australia ( ASA) Annual Science meeting jointly hosted by Maquarie University and CSIRO was held at Macquarie University's Wallumattagal Campus, North Ryde from 3rd to 7th July 2023

[EX]plore 202311 SeptA Faculty of Science and Engineering Event that is a celebration of the research of Year 12 students undertaking HSC Science Extension in a research conference setting. 
AON 202323 Sep

Astronomy Open Night 2023 - Sydney’s most spectacular astronomy event, an event for all all curious star gazes of all ages.

Moyal Medal26 OctThe Moyal Medal, awarded annually, honours distinguished research contributions in mathematics, physics, or statistics, in tribute to the late Professor José Enrique Moyal who was one of Australia’s most remarkable scientists.
Engineering in a Day24 NovHigh school students in Years 10 and 11 were invited to spend an immersion day with the School of Engineering at Macquarie University. The day will allow students to experience the innovative and creative ways that engineers solve real-world challenges.
Rising Stars6 Dec60 year 10 indigenous students from all over NSW (2 groups of 30) as part of the Rising Star program co-ordinated by Walanga Muru.
Allison-Levick Public Lecture7 DecIn this captivating lecture hosted by Professor Fred Watson, Dr. Stuart Ryder shared his excitement of discovering the most distant FRB ever observed.
EA Summer School8 Dec

The Engineering Summer School is a 5 day fully residential Engineering immersion program created by Engineers Australia for ~70 students sitting their HSC/IB in 2024. It is supported by the Office of NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer and has been running for 23 Years and is Engineers Australia's premier schools program.  The students were at Macquarie for half a day and their schedule involved a Welcome by Dean, School of Engineering followed by hands-on activities.

Engineers Australia Autumn School22 AprilEA hosted 60 promising Year 12 students from across NSW and ACT for a five day program
AIP Women in Physics Lecture31 May A national lecture tour to promote the work of outstanding women in Physics
ACS Big Day In (UTS)21 June 2022Largest fair of its kind for computing high school students
Engineers Australia Winter School8 July EA hosted 60 promising Year 12 students from across NSW and ACT for a five day program
Open Day13 AugMacquarie Universities main open day 
Communicating Astronomy in Public Conference12- 16 SeptProfessionals from science communication, informal education, planetarium and science centres, as well as professional and amateur astronomers, journalists and creative personalities, are invited to attend the conference to exchange ideas and best practices
[EX]plore Conference12 SeptInaugural Conference for year 10- 12 school students to celebrate HSC Science Extension research
Astronomy Open Night17 SeptAnnual event to promote astronomy and astrophysics at Macquarie to local community, current and future students, research, and industry partners.
Parramatta High School visit26 OctA group of year 10 students who were interested in STEM visited the MQ campus to partake in Computing and Engineering activities.
Moyal Medal27 Oct 
Allison-Levick Lecture1 DecAn annual public lecture bequest from astronomy enthusiast Mr Jack Allison-Levick
Engineers Australia Summer School9 DecEA hosted 60 promising Year 12 students from across NSW and ACT for a five day program