Cross-sectional average length of life by parity

Cross-sectional average length of life by parity

Traditionally researchers measure fertility changes by analysing quantum (e.g. total fertility rate), timing (e.g. mean age at birth), and rate (e.g. age-specific birth rate) indexes. We introduce an alternative perspective, duration, to understand fertility changes over time. The alternative measure, the Cross-sectional Average Length of Life by Parity (CALP) shows the length of time women spent in each parity during reproductive ages. Reproductive decision and timing highly depend on age, as humans have a time limit to give birth, called ‘biological clock’. Therefore, measuring the duration of parity statuses provides a detailed picture of family building.

Moreover, CALP is a period measure including all the cohort fertility information of reproductive age women at a given time; thus, it is a complementary index of the traditional period and cohort indexes.

The results comparing 12 countries present significant country differences in how much time women spent their reproductive periods in each parity. For example, women in Japan and Spain spent more than 65% of reproductive periods in childlessness but one in the US spent less than half of the periods in childlessness.

CALP summarises the entire fertility history of all reproductive-aged women who were born in different years with a period perspective. As such, CALP describes a current fertility picture in a dynamic and comprehensive way.

In this session, Ryohei will explain the detailed method of CALP and its results.

About the speaker

Ryohei Mogi is a PhD candidate at CED (Centre d’Estudis DemogrĂ fics), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and is a visiting scholar at Australian National University directed by Vladimir Canudas-Romo. His substantive research focus is the first childbirth process, especially childless, mate search, and premarital conception comparing Southern European countries and Japan considering historical trends.

Date and Time

Tue., 29 October 2019
11:00 AM–12:30 PM AEDT


120 Lend Lease Room
1 Management Drive
Macquarie University NSW 2109


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