2 - 3 years program

2 - 3 years program

Puzzle piecesTwo to three-year old children are energetic explorers and experimenters, curious about the world around them and eager to find out how things work. Their need for investigative, experimental learning is pronounced.

They also have an increasing ability to express ideas through their different 'languages'. By 'languages' we mean symbolic communication such as drawing, clay work, painting, puppetry, socio-dramatic or pretend play, singing and block construction, and verbal ability aided by their use of gesture and body movement. We carefully observe these 'languages' to interpret each child's understanding and to assist in planning a rich and challenging curriculum.

Our program assists children to:

  • Grow in their autonomy and understanding of themselves.
  • Develop empathy for others in an atmosphere of trust and respect.
  • Manage emotions that arise from their difficulties in communicating and solving problems.

We also focus on:

  • Planning a range of experiences to support children's cognitive, creative, social, emotional, language, physical development and individual learning styles.
  • Learning through play and exploration.
  • Providing opportunities for small group play, one to one engagements with an adult, and time for each child to play and explore independently and collaboratively with their peers.
  • Developing constructive relationships.

We encourage families to be an active part of their child's day, sharing ideas and aspects of home culture that can help to enrich our program.

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