ARC Success CACHE Executive Member A/Prof Em Ens

ARC Success CACHE Executive Member A/Prof Em Ens

Profile photo of Emilie Ens

CACHE congratulates our Executive Committee member, A/Prof Em Ens, on the successful award of a Future Fellowship "Back to our roots: Re-activating Indigenous biocultural conservation.” This project addresses the global demand for documented evidence of Indigenous-led biocultural conservation of declining species and cultures. Through a unique cross-cultural collaboration with Dharug and Yolngu women, this project will generate new methods and monitoring tools for restoring the biological and cultural values of native edible root species in urban and remote Australia.

The Future Fellowships scheme supports mid-career researchers to undertake high-quality research in areas of national and international benefit. Congratulations to A/Prof Em Ens, CACHE looks forward to following your continued success.

A/Prof Em Ens is an Associate Professor in the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University. For more on Em’s work, see her Macquarie University profile.

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