Harnessing astrophotonics for more efficient spectroscopic measurements

Harnessing astrophotonics for more efficient spectroscopic measurements

This week we had two outstanding talks from our PhD students. Mojtaba Moshkani described his novel laser-based surface processing way to enhance the performance of diamond FETs. Theodores Anagnos reported on about advanced spectrometers for astronomy.

1) Speaker: Mr Theodoros Anagnos
Title: Harnessing astrophotonics for more efficient spectroscopic measurements

Bio: Theodoros Anagnos is a cotutelle international student in collaboration with Heidelberg University of Germany.His field of studies is Astrophotonics, an new field of Astronomy that make use of custom optical fibers waveguides and a variety of technologies from telecommunication industry, as to transfer more efficiently the sky-light from the telescopes back to the instrument for measurements.

2) Speaker: Mr Mojtaba Moshkani
Title: Fabrication of electronic structures on the diamond surface

Bio: Mojtaba Moshkani is a PhD student in MQ photonics. He is currently working on the fabrication and improvement of electronic structures on hydrogen-terminated diamond surfaces under the supervision of Professor Rich Mildren.

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