


1024: first I would move the door no no you can't
2002: I know th- th- th- the problem is um you know people don't want to spend the money to do that so
3024: you can't do that
4024: Right I know
5024: and you don't want to be behind the door
6024: I would either
7024: we did this before
8024: where um you use the whole wall
9024: from the door on back you know as your station and this person uses from the window on down as far as you can
10022: mm-hmm
11024: with storage underneath and things like that but you're in opposite corners
12024: it gives you more work surface this way
13002: mm-hmm
14024: and the other way
15024: would be really t- you see the difference it's shortening you desk to be able to stack 'em both on the same side
16024: and have you know storage all down the wall that's like satellite storage where you don't keep it all as part of you workstation
17024: but you %um, I don't know how you're going to put your whiteboard though, I guess over here like that
18024: you have statem- %uh storage across from you
19024: so what what do you think is a better plan for you? to have it as part of your workstation or or and have more work surface
20022: i like the first one better. yeah. because I mean that make me have to stand up to go over there and get the stuff and
21024: the first one
22023: mmm hmm
23024: right
24023: hmm
25022: I like something within reach, because I don't have a lot of stuff anyway
26024: but and ther- the reason why some people go for this is because then both people can face out th- m- the door %um
27022: mmm
28024: but
29024: I don't know other than that I don't really know
31005: I actually like this one better and then you put a partition a glass partition between so right so each one has its own space and
32024: you do
33024: right here
34024: yeah I mean this would be more private, you could potentially, where the other one is wide open but you have more work surface so it really does depend on your %um
35005: right
36024: own personalities I guess in the room
37024: and that's
38024: you know that's what some of this furniture can do, I mean, normally when you order furniture it's made to order and you have to %um
39002: mmm hmm
40024: obviously pick the sizes and it's technically flexible but
41024: i- i- if you if you order it f- for it to go in one configuration it might be hard to get it
42024: to fit into another configuration even though
43005: mmm hmm
44022: mmm hmm
45002: mmm hmm
47024: you know its n you it you can move it around the room or move it to another location without damaging it so
48002: %mm
49002: so do you have some line you brought that you thought would be
51024: well I do I have
54022: mean will ^Dave pay for this?
62024: %aah
63005: you can assume that it is okay
66024: me show you
68024: I was going to try to show the double
70024: double overhead storage. there's three different types of furniture here in these books. %um the high end furniture
72024: for individuals but I w- I don't necessarily won't necessarily show you higher end is for people that can have wood veneer furniture
73024: which really has the same eh- i- st- it's the layout
74005: mmm hmm
75024: can be the same only you can use laminate but they just use a wood veneer so these are all things that are on _G_S_A schedule
76022: %mm
79002: hmm hmm
80024: and they are wood. but y- since people don't want to pay for wood there's also laminate and I don't know if you can see
82002: you know that's the line I have
83024: mm-hmm right
84024: it's a little bit of a different brochure but you can obviously do the exact same layouts with wood as you can with a wood grain
85002: %aa
86002: mm-hmm
87024: laminate and there's lots of different sizes and modular pieces now see
88024: this brochure isn't going to show what is going to go in your room you know it's just going to be %uh showing the look of it the style of it
89023: is laminate an %um it's not wood it's it's artificial or t- or it's
90024: it's a picture of wood just like this mm-hmm
91002: yeah it's like +this it's like what mine is like
92023: oh it's like this
93023: it gives the impression but it's on actually
94025: well it may not even have wood grain appearance it may be a taupe color
95024: right
96024: right like the green or the gray
97024: %um oh well, and the feel of it, it feels different than wood also but you can if you want to look at these
99024: here's a laminate picture of wood and here's actually a wood veneer
101024: they look %um in the picture they can look fairly similar but they have a different feel to them and
102024: with wood of course of course if it scratches you can have %um a a wood refinisher just fill it in and buff it out and
103023: %mmm %uh
105024: when laminate scratches you can actually you can fill it in with a pen but you can't really smooth it out you know it's just that's a little bit different
106002: mm-hmm
108024: ach
109024: ooz un me han pee
111024: so u- but a lot of things that are available nowadays are different types of storage units like when you're needing more storage different drawer configurations different overhead configurations and %um different ways to create privacy like this low
112024: riser in the room like if this if if these two people were up against the wall now you know when it's both on one size you get less worksurface but you get more privacy
113025: mm-hmm that's nice
114005: not as nice
115022: mm-hmm
116005: right
118024: and so there's ways to like k- k- k- k- graduate it down so that %um it could be open on the end if you needed to share conferencing but you could also have it high up here where you really are sitting in between people so there's there's lots of different ways to do
120024: %um
121024: th- their sort of recommendations on how to make a good poster
122024: %um
123024: this these two products are all laminate. so that means these side pieces and everything are u- are this kind of material
124002: %mm
125024: this option here is called design options is a painted
126024: and some people prefer paint and and metal because of the way you can just drag it across the floor it's not going to pull out the little feet that are supporting the desk that go up into the side panel about I don't know two or three inches but really they could crack off because i- it is particle board
127002: mm-hmm
128005: hmm
130024: dense high density particle board that's underneath this laminate
131024: whereas i- when you have metal it can dent but it's not you know things aren't going to be ripping apart
132024: so some people are tending towards the metal, and in this particular line you can have overhead storage that has two high rather than just one cabinet
133024: you can it can stack double and it's actually a stacking thing that you can take off or add onto after if you you know realize you needed more storage
134023: so some people get the metal painted colors?
135002: hmm
136024: right right it comes in many yeah many different colors %um
139024: they really just show black and gray and green here for some reason and like putty you know there's there's a blue %um
140002: I think we're allergic to battleship gray now
143024: right. I know. I don't blame you.
147024: %um but i- you can come up with a nice color scheme even with wood work surfaces wood %uh laminate
149024: work surfaces to offset just like to give it this kind of look even though n that's gray obviously but %um
150002: mm-hmm
151024: but all the components in all these lines are the same. you have normally a thirtysix inch corner a thir- a fortytwo inch corner different sizing in six inch increments
152022: mm-hmm
153024: starting with and then going to rectangular surfaces that are twentyfour wide thirty thirtysix fortytwo all that you know so you can build anything just to fit your room and your needs and in whatever material you happen to like
154022: mm-hmm
155024: so %um
156022: do you have like a local office where people can go and +look +at the %um layout or try on the chair because you know looking at the chair and sitting on it is is totally different you know
157024: mm-hmm
158024: mmm
160024: yeah well what do we do we
161002: we went to that place down in ^Montgomery ^Village %um
162024: there's one yeah you know what the manufacturers have locations of and also manufacturers like to demo chairs actually on site so more people can sit at them
163024: e- during like a week's time or whatever so chairs is one story lot of times they're brought out to the site for many people to try
166024: and %um with furniture like this this actually is in the sho- one of the showrooms that is down like in j- in ^Gaithersburg there's other showrooms in the design center
167002: we got my office and Jean's office that has this s
168024: right their showroom yeah and that's the other thing
170002: well I wouldn't say my office looks like a showroom b-
171024: well
172023: +no I wouldn't either
175024: but you can see the style in real life yeah and seeing it seeing what have bought before is good
176022: y okay
177002: hmm
178022: yeah my main concern is not you know about look actually I mean I I like it look nice but main thing is make the office spacious because I don't like cluttering
179024: right
180024: mm-hmm
181022: an %um
182022: have it real comfortable where I can reach everything and be
183024: right so it should be wrapping around you so that you can reach everything you don't want to have some things way down here and some things way down here
184002: mm
185022: and being real comfortable and be efficient at with what I do
186025: mm-hmm
187024: mm-hmm
188002: and that was one of my requirements I like th- my configuration that %uh I'm in a U and I can reach anything mm
189024: yeah you're in a U shape
190024: three sides. right. and but how did we how did you even fit a U? somehow we just squeezed it in the back
191005: I like that plus privacy plus plus looking nice all together
192002: mm
194022: hmm
195002: mm
196002: well see I I don't I don't have an ekit- equitably divided office because I'm sharing my office with a guest researcher so he doesn't have as much space
197024: portion
199024: oh you have all that that helped
201023: that's right
202005: mm-hmm
203024: yeah but really if your s- if your s- the scale of your desk was just a little bit smaller maybe we could do you could do two maybe it just would have to be a lot smaller work surface but the same shape
204002: mm-hmm
205002: mm-hmm
206002: mm-hmm
207024: that is an option that we didn't I didn't even look at
208002: yeah you could put two little Us
209024: nn yeah I wonder how that would
210024: where you walk around, is your door? did you ever move your? the door just stayed. right.
211002: well we didn't move the door because they didn't want to pay for it
213005: have a look at it
214002: I'm going to have to bleep that
216024: it's all part of the exercise
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