Unpacking the Real Podcast Launch

Unpacking the Real Podcast Launch

Unpacking the Real Podcast Launch

On Tuesday 3rd May, Chris Müller, Benjamin Nickl and Helen Wolfenden will introduce their new podcast project, ‘Unpacking the Real’, a companion series to their ‘Real is Not Real Enough’ podcast which was released late last year.

‘Real is Not Real Enough’ is a 13-episode podcast series showcasing the work of Günther Anders, a German-Jewish philosopher who lived in exile in the US during World War II. The spoken word audio project presents a new translation of Anders’ 1941 diary, Washing the Corpses of History. The diary shines a light on the phenomenon of the fake obscuring the real, exemplified by his experiences in Hollywood where he worked as a studio hand. Anders’ work is a call to his contemporaries to think critically about what they see and consume, which is both relevant and resonant in our times. The podcast is designed to share Anders’ message with experts and non-experts alike, finding the right tone to reach new ears.

Full details about the launch can be found here: https://slc-events.sydney.edu.au/calendar/unpacking-the-real-research-companion-podcast/

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