Centre for Children's Learning in a Social World

Centre for Children's Learning in a Social World

Centre for Children's Learning in a Social World

We study the ways in which children’s social contexts support, guide, and enhance development and learning.

From the moment an infant is born, her family will guide and shape her understanding of the world. As a child first enters an early childhood centre or school she will form new relationships with educators and peers: interacting and collaborating to solve problems, build knowledge, and share experiences with others in the group. And even when the child is alone, the expectations of our society and culture shape her learning attitudes and approaches.

Drawing together researchers with expertise in education and psychology, we map these influences across formal and informal learning environments including early childhood centres, schools, homes, zoos, and museums.

Our current areas of focus include:

  • Student teacher relationships in primary and secondary education
  • Parental choices about transitions to school
  • Verbal interactions between early childhood teachers and young children
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