A study into performance of Chicken meat production with nutrient feedstocks variations

A study into performance of Chicken meat production with nutrient feedstocks variations

Enhancing chicken meat production with nutrient feedstocks variations

There is great desire to make savings in feedstock costs while maintaining and enhancing meat production. In this project, APAF partnered with Feedworks P/L, a major supplier of agricultural feed products to examine different feed variations versus the production output and different measures of important metabolic parameters such as amino acids and glucose.

APAF is Australia’s premier provider for amino acid analysis research, with over 20 years’ experience in delivering this service. The post-enteral availability of amino acids and glucose is pivotal to the performance of broiler chickens and chicken-meat production. Post-enteral availability is defined by the quantities of these nutrients entering the portal circulation from the small intestine and is determined by a three-tier process:

  • Digestion of protein and starch in the gut lumen
  • Absorption of amino acids and glucose into the enterocytes of the gut mucosa
  • Transition of these nutrients across the gut mucosa and entry into the portal circulation.

APAF’s analysis will assist Feedworks and breeders in optimising poultry meat production. Some further examples of research into animal feed production supported by APAF are listed below.

Selle PH, Truong HH, McQuade LR, Moss AF, Liu SY. Reducing agent and exogenous protease additions, individually and in combination, to wheat- and sorghum-based diets interactively influence parameters of nutrient utilisation and digestive dynamics in broiler chickens.  Animal Nutrition, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 303-311.

Truong HH, Neilson KA, McInerney BV, Khoddami A, Roberts TH, Cadogan DJ, Liu SY and Selle PH. Comparative performance of broiler chickens offered nutritionally equivalent diets based on six diverse, ‘tanninfree’ sorghum varieties with quantified concentrations of phenolic compounds, kafirin, and phytate. Animal Production Science 2016, 57 (5) 828-838. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AN16073.

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