Creative Thinking for Graduate Researchers

Developing the Skills of the Future in Macquarie GR Candidates

Developed by the Graduate Research Academy and the Macquarie University Incubator

The modules of the GR Expansivity Program:

  1. Design Thinking – practice real design thinking to approach problems more creatively.
  2. Research Canvas – Use strategic thinking to create your key communication tool.
  3. Lean methodology – Learn lean techniques to fail fast and improve your momentum.
  4. Creative Research – Explore real-world examples to inspire your journey.

Are you or someone you know a graduate research student looking to enhance your skills and broaden your mindset to stay ahead in an ever-evolving world? If so, look no further than EXPANSIVITY, offered by the Macquarie University Incubator.

With four comprehensive modules, EXPANSIVITY provides you with the necessary tools and techniques to foster a creative approach to your research and beyond. Through interactive exercises, group discussions, and real-life case studies, you'll gain an in-depth understanding of design thinking and how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset that drives innovation. Additionally, you'll learn how to reflect on your work and continuously improve.

But what if you're not a GR student? Don't worry - tell a friend who is! EXPANSIVITY is the perfect program for those seeking to enhance their creative thinking skills and knowledge to thrive in both the academic and professional worlds. By developing future-fit skills for the workplace, such as adaptability, problem-solving, and impact, you'll be well-prepared for the job market and equipped to tackle new and complex problems with confidence, while also collaborating effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Don't miss this opportunity - encourage your Graduate Research friends to sign up for EXPANSIVITY today!

Module One: Design Think Your GR Toolkit is all about design thinking. You’ll learn all about the buzz of design thinking by doing a full design round with your peers. It’s a full-on learning-on-the-job experience that will get you thinking about your GR journey from the inside out: using empathy to understand common pain points and ideating ways to solve them.

Workshop 1: Wednesday 8 May in-person at the Incubator

Workshop 2: Wednesday 15 May in-person at the Incubator

Please note: you must attend both of the above workshops to qualify for a certificate of attainment. Lunch and refreshments will be served at the end of each workshop.

Registrations close Friday 3 May at 5pm

Register here!

In Module Two: Journey Map your GR with the Research Canvas we borrow some tricks from entrepreneurs and create a one-page plan for your individual project. We’ll learn that iteration is key to true innovation. You’ll build a prototype of your whole GR project that will become a key communication tool, whether you are in the proposal or implementation phase of your research.

Workshop 1: Wednesday 26 June in-person at the Incubator

Workshop 2: Wednesday 3 July in-person at the Incubator

Please note: you must attend both of the above workshops to qualify for a certificate of attainment. Lunch and refreshments will be served at the end of each workshop.

Registrations close Friday 21 June at 5pm

Register here!

Module Three: Think like an Entrepreneur and Lean your GR is all about developing your entrepreneurship as a creative researcher. We’ll explore how to apply lean techniques that are key to modern problem-solving in the business realm. These are getting more and more traction in organisations everywhere, and developing a lean approach is a fantastic skill to carry with you into the future!

Workshop 1: Wednesday 14 August in-person at the Incubator

Workshop 2: Wednesday 21 August in-person at the Incubator

Please note: you must attend both of the above workshops to qualify for a certificate of attainment. Lunch and refreshments will be served at the end of each workshop.

Registrations close Friday 9 August at 5pm

Register here!

In Module Four: Solve Social Challenges and Wicked Problems with Creative Research we look at wicked problems and socio-technical change. How can we tackle this as researchers? Through more creative thinking, of course! As academics, we are great at critical thinking. How might we balance that and apply our analytics and amazing critical mindset to do good in the world? We’ll explore examples of research, like yours, that have been commercialised into real-world change projects for massive impact.

Workshop 1: Wednesday 9 October in-person at the Incubator

Workshop 2: Wednesday 16 October in-person at the Incubator

Please note: you must attend both of the above workshops to qualify for a certificate of attainment. Lunch and refreshments will be served at the end of each workshop.

Registrations close Wednesday 4 October at 5pm

Register here!

These modules are designed to enhance your GR journey and bridge to the MQ Researchers Impact Program to help you maximise the influence and impact of your research.

For more information, reach out to the Incubator team at