

CPH_seniors gym

Recent publications involving collaboration from members of the Centre for Physical Health are:

Marcuzzi A, Dean CM, Wrigley PJ, Hush JM (2014) Early changes in somatosensory function in spinal pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain. In Press.

Panagopoulous J, Hancock MJ, Ferreira P, Hush J, Petocz P (2014). Does the addition of Visceral Manipulation alter outcomes for patients with Low Back Pain? A randomised Placebo Controlled Trial. European Journal of Pain. Published online.

Jones TM, Hush JM, Dear BF, Titov N and Dean CM. (2014) The efficacy of self-management programs for increasing physical activity in community-dwelling adults with acquired brain injury (ABI): A systematic review. (Protocol). Systematic Reviews. In Press.

Panagopoulos J, Hancock MJ, Kongsted A, Hush J, Kent P. (2014). Does anterior trunk pain predict a different course of recovery in chronic low back pain? Pain 155: 977-82.

Luque-Suarez A, Gijon-Nogueron G, Baron-Lopez FJ, Labajos-Manzanares MT, Hush J, Hancock MJ (2014). Effects of kinesiotaping on foot posture in participants with pronated foot: A quasi-randomised, double-blind study. Physiotherapy 100:36-40.


A further 2 papers involving collaboration from members of the Centre for Physical Health are under review: 

Jones TM, Hush J, Dear BF, Titov N; Dean CM (2014). A systematic review of the efficacy of self-management programs for increasing physical activity in community-dwelling adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). Disability and Rehabilitation (under review).

Jones TM, Dean CM, Dear BF, Hush J, Titov N (2014). An internet survey of the characteristics and physical activity of community-dwelling Australian adults with acquired brain injury: exploring the acceptability of an internet delivered self-management program focused on physical activity. Disability and Health Journal (under review).




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