Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations

Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations

Uluru at sunset

Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations

In 2017, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples asked Australians to walk with them towards a better future. 

​Through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, they asked for constitutional recognition through a constitutionally guaranteed voice in their own affairs.

​As leaders of diverse multicultural community organisations, we endorse the Uluru Statement and its call for a First Nations voice guaranteed by the Constitution.

​This reform is modest, practical and fair. 

​We call on our political representatives to lead this referendum in the spirit of bipartisan and broad cooperation.

​We commit our steadfast support, and urge all Australians to work together to ensure referendum success. 

​Let us co-operate across differences of politics and diversities of culture and faith, to heal our country and unify the nation.


The signatories to this Joint Resolution are listed on this new website.

Are you interested in becoming a signatory? Please use the sign-up form on the website to sign the Joint Resolution. You are welcome to share this website with any multicultural community organisation that you think may be interested in becoming a signatory.

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