As a step to consolidate its status as a globally leading hub for biodiversity law and governance, the Centre for Environmental Law (CEL) recently launched its first ever webinar series “Law & Nature Dialogue”. It is planned to welcome a prominent speaker to share their expertise once a month during the semester.

The inaugural webinar was held on 22 February 2021, which was delivered by Prof Tianbao Qin (Wuhan University, China). The webinar raised overwhelming interests from around the world.

The webinar series program had been disseminated by several mainstream platforms and organizations, such as IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, European Environmental Law Forum, EJIL Live, Australian New Zealand Society of International Law, National Association of Environmental Law (Australia), UK Environmental Law Association, and Earth System Governance Project.

It was also well promoted by Macquarie University twitter (31k followers) and MQ Law Society (MULS, 7k followers). Over a two weeks’ period, the inaugural webinar in total received 215 registrations from countries, including, for example, Canada, China, Columbia, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. Participants are not only from leading institutions like the Universities of Cambridge, NSW, Melbourne, Monash, British Columbia, Geneva and Hong Kong, but also international organizations, e.g., the United Nations Biodiversity, Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat. Furthermore, government bodies such as Belgian DG Environment also expressed their great interests in this event. The CEL is particularly pleased to see the webinar being warmly received by our Macquarie law students.