You are invited to the online event (link below) from 5:30pm-7pm AEDT Thursday 3rd March 2022.

"Academic freedom is essential to the functioning of a university. Its principal purpose is the advancement of knowledge through teaching and research, which in turn brings enormous public benefit.

The Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics (CAVE) Annual Public Lecture by Professor Adrienne Stone, “Academic Freedom and Democracy” will take a close look at a second rationale for academic freedom that lies in the connections between academic freedom and democracy. It will be argued that universities play an important role in support for democracy as independent sources of information and knowledge. In doing so, they are a valuable democratic resource for all citizens – and not just for the members of a university community.

In turn, however, universities themselves require a commitment to democratic government in a full sense. That is, universities thrive in societies that are truly committed to free academic inquiry, that are prepared to wear the discomfort that challenging independent thinkers can bring. As a result, academic freedom has a constitutional dimension and scholars should conceive of themselves and their universities as part of the infrastructure of democracy.

All are welcome to attend this ONLINE event via Zoom. Click through here to register for the event and access the zoom link:"