EMLEX: Lexicography at Large

EMLEX: Lexicography at Large

As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Macquarie Department of Linguistics, and to mark our longstanding contribution to lexicography - in particular as the birthplace of the Macquarie Dictionary - we are hosting a workshop on lexicography.  The first session will be open to all, and will feature a team led by Professor Schierholz presenting on their European Master in Lexicography with an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. This will be followed by the keynote speaker, Dr Mary Laughren,  presenting on the recently published Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary.

Date: Monday 25 March.  9.15-11am

Location: 25WW C120/121

The remainder of the workshop can be accessed via this Zoom link: https://macquarie.zoom.us/j/89357272983?pwd=eXk1UnRvNmVGQTRvcTZDU1dvM2Rvdz09 Password: 807640



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