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POST  A whale of a time

A whale of a time

As a young girl growing up on a farm outside Canberra, with family trips to the South Coast her only connection to the sea, Dr Vanessa Pirotta dreamed of one day working with whales. A Masters and PhD in Biological Science from Macquarie University later, marine biologist Dr Pirotta has well and truly exceeded her childhood ambitions. Still, at the heart of her research, her pursuit of innovativ...

POST  Third-culture kid

Third-culture kid

Who is Andrew Nip? It’s a good question, and one he’s spent a long time trying to understand. Having spent his formative years between Hong Kong and Australia, Andrew says he identifies as both Chinese and Australian. After completing a combined Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and Bachelor of Human Resource Management at MQ, he moved to Shanghai, where he is thriving in what he calls the middle ...

POST  Moving mountains

Moving mountains

MQ Sports Ambassador and semi-professional tennis player Joya Nicolas dreams of competing in the French Open. The clay surface, the crowds, the competition; she’s preparing for it all. But she’s also preparing for life beyond the court with a Bachelor of Psychology, bringing in her love of art therapy, listening to people’s stories and building connections. Now at the end of her degree, one ...

POST  Owning (hi)story

Owning (hi)story

There’s no doubt the world of work has changed. Obviously, more of us are working from home, but there’s another significant shift that is much more subtle. Who we are as a person, our background and our values, is not only enriching the work we do, it’s having an impact on the world around us and how we see ourselves as a society. For Craig Middleton – who credits being able to follo...

POST  Together we rise

Together we rise

There’s always more to a story than first meets the eye. Assistant Principal and MQ Bachelor of Education alum Stephanie Salazar recently came to the public’s attention for winning a Commonwealth Bank Teaching Award, with a feature in the Sydney Morning Herald and airtime on ABC Sydney to boot. Few people work in isolation, however, especially in teaching, and Stephanie is keen to acknowle...

POST  Transforming hearing health

Transforming hearing health

Never have we been so aware of the importance of our hearing and the long-term impact on our overall health. Macquarie donors and alumni recently visited the Australian Hearing Hub in Macquarie University to better understand the multi-disciplinary research and developments in hearing, along with how we can take steps to improve the quality of life of our community. On 7 July alumni were we...