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POST  In memory of memory

In memory of memory

Music occupies a special place in our hearts and in our memories; so much so that it is being explored as a tool to help people who have lost their map to the past and their ability to remember. Macquarie University researchers Dr Amee Baird and Professor Bill Thompson are looking at how music might be used in individuals with dementia, not only to help reduce stress and anxiety, but also t...

POST  The war on words

The war on words

Ever wondered how you find yourself agreeing with outrageous political comments, even if deep down you know you feel differently? It all comes down to wordplay, and once you know the tricks, you can use them to your own advantage. When Bob Carr became foreign affairs minister in 2012, he compared Tony Abbott’s use of slogans such as ‘No more boats’ to a “trainee hypnotist trying to ...

POST  Macquarie moments

Macquarie moments

Mascot stealing is all part of university games, but for Macquarie’s high profile hockey team, coming out in front in the game of mascot theft, became almost as important as winning competition matches. “Mascot stealing is part of hockey culture,” explains Ahad Malik (B Arts / B Comm 2014). “At the university games every team has a mascot: the University of New South Wales has a...

POST  For the love of hearing, turn the volume down

For the love of hearing, turn the volume down

“You wouldn’t stare into a laser for four hours, because you know it would permanently damage your sight, so why do people think it’s okay to risk permanent hearing loss by attending loud music concerts and sports events?” asks Professor David McAlpine, Professor of Hearing, Language and the Brain and Director of Hearing Research at Macquarie. “Saying you were deaf for a week afte...

POST  Swim Safe Warriors make the water safe for international students

Swim Safe Warriors make the water safe for international students

International students are benefitting from the new Swim Safe Warriors Program, which was created by Macquarie in conjunction with Royal Life Saving after research revealed that international students entering Australia have little exposure to aquatic environments. This is in striking contrast to Australians where there is a very strong water culture and exposure to aquatic environments starts...

POST  Intelligence and security studies alumna secures top consulting job

Intelligence and security studies alumna secures top consulting job

Macquarie’s Master of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism with the Master of International Security Studies alumna, Sarah Iannantuono recently completed her double degree and has embarked on an exciting career with KPMG. She has secured a role at KPMG is as a consultant in the Forensic Department where she undertakes a range of duties from active investigations to digital foren...