Tag Archives: Learning and teaching

Changes to UNITS and iTeach this week

This week the Unit Guide system, UNITS.mq.edu.au will become part of iTeach. There will be some downtime for staff on Wednesday in order to allow this to happen. Read more…

Teche highlights

Teche highlights

Lecturer of the year awards, rave reviews for an open education course and the knowledge behind cooking the perfect poached egg.

And gladly pronounce: talking Teche

And gladly pronounce: talking Teche

Teche, the name of Macquarie’s new Learning and Teaching blog, is derived from the University’s Chaucer-inspired motto, ‘And Gladly Teche’. But how do you pronounce it?

The undiscovered country

The undiscovered country

We’re nurturing the ambitions of rural students by giving them a unique taste of campus life and the opportunity to discover the excitement and benefits of pursuing higher education.

‘And gladly teche’

‘And gladly teche’

Macquarie is a community of learning and teaching thought leaders. Keep up to date with the latest developments by subscribing and contributing to Teche, our learning and teaching blog.