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Tag Archives: Technology
Lectern training available
Training courses in the use of lecterns commences Tuesday 21 July.
2015 IT Service Quality Survey
Have your say on IT service at Macquarie for your chance to win.
Lectern training available
Training courses in the use of lecterns commences Wednesday 18 February.

Intranets, staff, students: A Web Transformation Project update
The project to transform our website for the benefit of all users has gathered momentum in recent months.
Website satisfaction survey now open
Help us develop our new website for your chance to win great prizes!

Celebrating research excellence with impact
A new online showcase of 50 years of our research impact exemplifies what makes us different.

Get more from tags
Get the most out of This Week (and the wider web) using ‘tags’.
Recording third party material using Echo 360
The University has changed its position on recording third party material used during lectures. Read more…

Fish feelings go global
Increasing collaboration between our researchers and media team helps to rapidly amplify our research and innovation success stories to a new global audience.

Biotech company relocates scientific headquarters to campus
Australian biotechnology company Minomic International Ltd has relocated its Australian scientific headquarters to Macquarie’s campus.

Plug in to technology events on campus
Informatics hosts an ongoing series of technology talks featuring experts from on campus and beyond.