In our latest podcast episode, meet Professor Barbara Messerle, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

In our latest podcast episode, meet Professor Barbara Messerle, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
In our latest podcast episode, meet Distinguished Professor Anne Castles from the Department of Cognitive Science.
From celebrations to launches, refurbishments to awards, check out some of the photographic highlights snapped on and off campus from the last couple of weeks.
On World Hearing Day last week, Professor David McAlpine, kicked off an initiative to start a campaign for hearing health.
Macquarie researchers awarded $1m to test the effectiveness of Vitamin D in treating prostate cancer.
In our latest podcast episode, meet Professor Jeanette Kennett from the Department of Philosophy.
Last week saw the launch of the Early Career Research Network aimed to support and inform our young research stars to help further their careers.
Researchers from the Department of Linguistics are seeking children who speak Mandarin as their first language at home, aged between 9 and 11 years.
Macquarie’s new social media team launches podcast series featuring in-depth discussions with nine of our pioneering research minds.
Professor Sakkie Pretorius, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), presented the 2016 Research Weather Report to a capacity crowd in Macquarie Theatre last Thursday 11 February.
Professor Sakkie Pretorius, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), invites you to attend the 2016 Research Weather Report.
Outstanding success: And it’s all a result from the hard work of our researchers and support staff across every Faculty.