Tag Archives: Events

Macquarie says NO to racism

Macquarie says NO to racism

Witness the signing of the ‘Racism. It Stops with Me’ supporter agreement and learn more about the initiatives planned during the campaign.

Farewell Tim Sprague

Farewell Tim Sprague

Staff, colleagues and friends gathered last week to farewell Human Resources Director Tim Sprague at an event celebrating his 10 years of service.

50 years young and looking Lean

50 years young and looking Lean

Mark Robinson from the University of St Andrews demonstrated to a packed audience that even institutions as venerable as his can adapt and innovate, using the simple principles of Lean.

Research seminar: The impact of China’s new labour contract law on socioeconomic outcomes for migrant and urban workers

This seminar by Dr Zhiming Cheng examines the effect of having a labour contract on a range of employee outcomes (wages, hours worked, social insurance coverage and subjective wellbeing) for a sample of urban and migrant workers in China using data from the Rural-Urban Migration in China (RUMiC) project. Using several different methods, we find that the […]