Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Sunday 16. Decr.
At 6 a.m. I set out from Parramatta in my own Carriage accompanied by Mr. Judge advocate Wylde, who makes one of my Party to Bathurst. ---Two of the Horses (the Leaders) proving very restive, we were obliged to take them out of Harness and leave them behind; going on with only a Pair.

We reached Sir Jno. Jamison's at Regent Ville on the Right Bank of the River Nepean, a quarter before 9 o'clock. ---He received us very Hospitably and gave us an excellent Breakfast. ---Lt. Lawson and Mr. David Johnston joined us at Sir John's at Breakfast; they being two of my Party for Bathurst.

We remained till 12 o'clock at Regent Ville, expecting Mr. Meehan the Dy. Surveyor Genl. to join us there; ---but not appearing then, we crossed the River to Emu Plains -- where we were received by Mr. Fitzgerald Supdt. of the Govt. Agricultural Establishment.

We remained here for about Half an Hour, during which I wrote a Letter to my dear Mrs. M. ---We then mounted our Horses, and pursued our Journey to Bathurst across the Blue Mountains.

I left my Carriage at Regent Ville; but took on my Curricle which had been converted into a very handsome Tandam [sic] for the present Journey, for me to travel in occasionally. ---We had a very pleasant ride to Spring-Wood, the 1st Depot on the mountains, 12 miles from Emu Plains, where we arrived at 1/2 past 3 o'clock -- having only walked our Horses all the way. ---There is very good grazing all the way from Emu Plains to Spring Wood for both sheep and cattle, and a very good supply of fresh water from Springs at this stage -- which is a Military station. ---Here there ought to be a large Tract of Ground, of at least 1000 acres, reserved for the use of the Crown, and the Flocks & Herds of Individuals passing to and from Bathurst, on account of the good Forage and Water procurable here.

We sat down to a good Dinner precisely at 5 o'clock; having found our Tents ready Pitched and everything in order for our reception on our arrival at Spring Wood; my Servants and Baggage having come on two days before me to this Stage. ---

We walked out after sitting a little while at Dinner, Drank Tea at 1/2 past 7; and intending to set out very early in the morning, we all retired to Bed at 9 o'clock.---

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