Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


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Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Copyright © 1998
Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.

Friday 7th. Decr.
---I received and answered a great number of Petitions and Memorials from Settlers and others in the course of this morning. ---I also received and answered a congratulatory address from the Principal Settlers & Inhabitants of the Hawkesbury and Nepean Districts, presented by Doctor Arndell, the oldest Settler in this Country (--having arrived in the Colony with Govr. Phillip in 1788--) complimenting me on my administration, and first appearance in this part of the Colony; to which I made a suitable reply.---

In the afternoon I went to explore again the scite [sic] of the intended new Town of Windsor, accompanied by the two Surveyors, to whom I communicated my plans and final orders respecting the scite [sic] of the Church, Great Square in the new Town, and Small Square and Streets intended to be formed in the present Village, which is henceforth to form part of the Town of Windsor, and to be designated so accordingly. ---I laid out several new Streets and gave directions for enlarging and improving the old ones, as well as respecting the size and descriptions of all future Houses that are permitted to be built in the Town of Windsor.---

Mr. Cox, Dr. Mileham, and Mr. Evans dined with us again today; my labours at Windsor being now ended.---

Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.