Ophthalmology and visual science

Ophthalmology and visual science

Students interested in a PhD or Masters degree in visual sciences can conduct research projects investigating neurodegeneration in the retina and optic nerve associated with diseases such as glaucoma and optic neuritis, and the relationship of eye diseases to CSF pressure and vascular disorders.

Areas of research include animal models using transgenic mice, molecular and biochemical pathways under normal and disease conditions, cellular signalling pathways, electrophysiology both clinical and experimental, imaging and vascular research.

Current projects involve investigating the role of neurotrophic factors in the retina, neuroprotective molecules for therapeutic application, demyelination and remyelination of the optic nerve, and investigating secondary degeneration in the higher brain centres. Gene therapy techniques using AAV viral vectors are used to modulate retinal signalling pathways. We have rodent models for glaucoma, MS and Alzheimers disease. In the imaging field we use high resolution OCT in glaucoma and retinal diseases, and advanced MRI/DTI imaging in glaucoma and optic neuritis. We are also looking for investigators in the field of vascular autoregulation in the retinal circulation, and its relationship to glaucoma and systemic disorders. We have a high speed retinal camera to study arterial and venous pulsation and regulation. We also have students involved in investigation of myopia in children.


Professor Stuart Graham
Tel: +61 2 9812 3542 or 9812 3933
Email: stuart.graham@mq.edu.au

Content owner: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences Last updated: 12 Mar 2024 9:29am

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