Macquarie Audiology course

Macquarie Audiology course

A doctor looking into a patient's ear

The health professionals best placed to detect and meet the needs of people with hearing loss of all ages, Audiologists are:

  • able to test and diagnose hearing loss at any age using variety of techniques
  • able to diagnose and treat people with hearing loss as well as a range of associated issues, such as balance disturbances, tinnitus, listening and auditory processing disorders
  • the experts when it comes to fitting and managing hearing devices such as hearing aids and/or cochlear implants.

Audiology will continue to be in high demand globally, with hearing loss the most common sensory impairment and an aging global population.

Why choose the Masters of Clinical Audiology?

Our course sits in the internationally renowned Department of Linguistics (ranked at number 28 in the world in the latest QS by subject rankings), within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. Macquarie Clinical Audiology has a reputation as one of the top audiology courses within Australia.

The course is situated in the Australian Hearing hub, a facility that unites researchers, educators, clinicians and innovators with expertise in linguistics, audiology, speech pathology, cognitive and language sciences, psychology, nanofabrication and engineering sciences.

How we stand out

  • Our contributing lecturers and course convenors are internationally renowned researchers.
  • Our course has strong industry links, with Cochlear on-site and links to hearing device manufacturers.
  • Our course is endorsed by the national accrediting body; Audiology Australia.
  • We are the only course with a hospital on-site.
  • The best-practice Speech and Hearing Clinic is on-site allowing high quality clinical placements and learning experiences.
  • All clinical placements required for graduation and industry accreditation are arranged by a dedicated team of clinical education managers.

Courses and curriculum overview

The Master of Clinical Audiology (MCAud) is a two year postgraduate course. This course provides skills in assessment strategies, rehabilitation and habilitation of the hearing impaired, and the non-medical management of hearing impairment and related pathologies.

The course also provides training in research design with an optional project. Extensive practical skills and clinical training is provided as a formal part of the course with cooperation from audiological institutions.

Our facilities

The course is taught in the purpose-built Australian Hearing hub, with state-of-the-art facilities. A dedicated practicum room is available for hands-on teaching experiences.

Industry engagement

Macquarie has a history of strong engagement with both the technical and manufacturing industry, with a key partner, Cochlear on site. We also maintain strong links to clinical service companies and organisations to foster better clinical placement opportunities for our students.

Higher Degrees by Research

We have a strong group of highly experienced, world renowned and dedicated supervisors available to guide those wishing to undertake Higher Degree Research namely MRes or PhD courses.

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