Help your students develop key academic skills

Where can students go if you’ve patiently explained the assignment question and they’re still not sure what to do?

What if your students have a ‘stuck point’ while they’re writing an essay?

How can students action the feedback you’ve given them on an assignment?

Learning Skills can support your students in these and other areas as they tackle the demands of their courses.  We help students understand university expectations and to develop key reading, writing and critical thinking skills.

Our free services include:

  • workshops
  • online resources
  • individual assistance (face-to-face and via email).

Learn more about our services.

In addition to the scaffolding you offer students, you can remind them about help available from Learning Skills.

First year convenors: keep an eye on your inbox! We’ll be sending a set of slides about our services to all convenors of first-year core units, suitable to include in a Week 1 lecture.

Other interested convenors, please email