60 seconds with…

60 seconds with…

So many things, so little time. Meet Nikki Canale, a woman armed with a notepad …and bagpipes!

Research spotlight

Research spotlight

Research Fellow Yiqing Lu is exploring the application of the novel properties of light in the field of bio-nano-photonics for the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Event: Exploring 3D Technological Innovations

Museums and Galleries of NSW and The Education Studio, Macquarie University present a day-long symposium exploring 3D technological innovations that have the capacity to change the museum and education sectors. With 3D technologies, museums and galleries can finally unite the virtual with the tactile presence of objects that is so essential to the visitor experience. Meanwhile, educators […]

Partnership with rugby club announced

Partnership with rugby club announced

All staff and students are invited to the Atrium at noon today to witness the launch of Macquarie University’s partnership with the North Harbour Rays rugby club.