Postgraduate research degrees

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  3. Departments and schools
  4. Department of Security Studies and Criminology
  5. Our research
  6. Postgraduate research degrees

Get qualified for your career in security or criminology

The Department of Security Studies and Criminology supervises research students in several areas of expertise, including cyber security, intelligence studies, counter-intelligence, security and strategic studies and criminology.

You can find more details about our areas of expertise here, and view a list of current researchers here.

You may be a full-time employee looking to explore a particular area of research associated with your field of work through part-time study, or a full-time student looking to develop a career in government, industry or academia. Either way, academics in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology have the required supervisory experience and disciplinary knowledge to ensure you are best placed to successfully complete your research project.

Our courses

Our Higher degree research program consists of two degrees, a Master of Research (MRes) degree, and a PhD. They both attract financial support (stipends and scholarships).

Master of Research (MRes) in Cybersecurity

The two-year Master of Research (MRes) consists of a combined research-based coursework (first year) and thesis (second year). It is both an established stand-alone research degree and the usual pathway program for students who wish to undertake doctoral (PhD) studies after the MRes.

The MRes degree is particularly suited to:

  1. Middle to senior-level leaders in the areas of security and law enforcement who wish to establish themselves as recognised experts in their field, and to broaden their future career prospects by acquiring a research profile that can carry them into consulting, applied research or further academic research.
  2. Students seeking entry to our PhD program.

Successful MRes students may transition directly to the three-year PhD thesis upon completion of the MRes (or equivalent research training degree at the Masters level elsewhere). Further details are below.

Find more information about the admission process for our research degrees.


View the list of Macquarie University scholarships available.

Cotutelle or Joint PhD

A cotutelle or joint PhD offers students the opportunity to study abroad at a partner institution. Find out about the many benefits of our cotutelle and joint PhD opportunities.

More information

For information about the application process and scholarships please contact the Graduate Research Academy Applications Team  at

For specific advice about areas of supervision and academic expertise you can contact relevant academic staff members directly, or otherwise, please contact Dr Alex Simpson at