Welcome to your new This Week


This Week is back better than ever thanks to your feedback from the 2016 survey.

You told us you wanted a revamped email design and more content about students, real people, good deeds and fun things on campus.

In response to your suggestions, we’ve introduced two new sections: a weekly snapshot of a staff member on campus and Spotlight On, a new feature showcasing different teams across Macquarie. We’ve also changed how we evaluate submissions, meaning what you read is more tailored for your benefit.

2016 was a big year, full of fantastic stories about our people and campus. Our top stories ranged from op-eds about man’s best friend to announcements about new commercial buildings.

Here’s the top 10 stories of the year:

1. New buildings announced for University Avenue

2. Train station closure – what you need to know

3. Popular teacher puts his mark on Macquarie Theatre

4. Don’t get locked out – OneID password change

5. ARC backs 31 Macquarie projects with $10m+

6. Dr Jed Goodfellow on the greyhound racing ban

7. It’s soup kitchen time!

8. A curious life: reflecting on a 50 year research career

9. We heard you: De-mystifying the Campus Master Plan

10. Motor neurone disease and dementia breakthrough

Thanks to everyone involved in improving This Week.

We look forward to working with you in 2017 and bringing you the best stories from our university community.

What do you think of the changes? What was your favourite story in 2016? Share your thoughts below.





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Comments will not be pre-moderated but any comments deemed to be offensive, obscene, intimidating, discriminatory or defamatory will be removed and further action may be taken where such conduct breaches University policy or standards. Please keep in mind that This Week is a public site and comments should not contain information that is confidential or commercial in confidence.

  1. Hi This Week, It would be helpful to have an update on the current and future state of parking and the train station closure changes. Many staff are very concerned about this, as evidenced by the high readership of related articles above. Thank you.

  2. The redesigned version of This Week at Macquarie is much easier for people who are blind and reliant on screen-reading technology to read. Having the link to an individual article clearly read aloud due to proper coding makes it possible to access what you want at your fingertips. I gave up reading this publication last year as the link to an article was embedded in the associated graphic making it very difficult for a screen-reader to locate and open up the link.
    Congratulations on improving information accessibility for people with print disabilities. Please do not change the design now that this problem seems to have been rectified.

    1. Hi Sondra, thank you so much for your feedback. We strive to make our content as accessible as possible and are happy that you like the changes.

  3. Could you please advise what International Women’s day functions will be held at the university this March?

    1. Hi Kaye, thanks for your question. We have some morning teas for Women’s Day planned- stay tuned for next week’s edition to find out more.

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