Studies seeking participants

To advertise your study here, please complete the contribute form. All advertised studies must include the Ethics Approval Number.

Seeking adults with ongoing low back pain for study on different swimming strokes

This project is the first to assess the differences between swimming strokes for low back pain. The study includes a one-hour session for data collection, including set up and break times. You will receive a $50 gift card for your time. To be eligible, you need to be over 18, have ongoing low back pain, […]

Seeking adult males to help improve mental health support for men

You can be a part of improving the support available for men who experience suicidal thoughts. MUCHE and the Black Dog Institute are seeking participants to undertake online surveys to better understand how to improve men’s engagement with existing clinical and non-clinical mental health support services. We are looking for participants who: are 18 years or older […]

Seeking participants for a memory and glucose regulation study

You are invited to participate in a study on memory and glucose regulation, as part of a Master of Clinical Neuropsychology research project. The study aims to investigate the relationship between memory, interoception (ie the ability to sense internal bodily states) and the ability to regulate glucose.