Looking forward by reclaiming the past

The outcome of the Shared Identity project will be presented to all staff at an event on 16 September. We’re excited to reveal a refreshed positioning that accurately captures the narrative of our creation, history and future direction, and a new visual identity (hinted at in the image above) to reflect it.

Hear veteran journalist Richard Morecroft discuss how the project supports the values and strategic direction of Our University: A Framing of Futures with the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Engagement & Advancement), and the process we undertook – including what this revealed about Macquarie, and the rationale behind the refreshed positioning and visual identity – with Erminio Putignano, Head of Strategy at PUSH Collective, who worked with us on this project.

Where: E7B courtyard
When: 3pm, Tuesday 16 September

RSVP now

Read Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching) Professor Sherman Young’s blog post about the project.

Find out more about the Shared Identity Project.