The new Senate Room. [Inset] Professor Dominic Verity.
The new Senate Room. [Inset] Professor Dominic Verity.

Academic Senate

Academic Senate is the peak academic decision-making body for the University – and contrary to what its name may imply – it is comprised of staff from a broad range of disciplines and backgrounds.

“That we’re an inclusive and diverse body is not well known. To many, Academic Senate is simply a remote body that says no to new program proposals or imposes new academic policies and red-tape. The fact that its actual role in the governance of the University is not widely understood speaks to a wider issue of community awareness of and engagement in the work we do,” says Senate Chair Dom Verity, who has been on staff since 2000 and a member of Senate and its subcommittees for 11 years before taking up the Chair’s gavel at the start of 2013.

“As part of a renewed focus on accessibility and transparency,” says Dom, “all staff and students are invited to have their say and contribute to conversations on the key issues with Senate delegates on the Teche blog. These articles and discussions represent the key themes Academic Senate will focus on in the year ahead, and provide a unique opportunity to help shape the future direction of our University.”

Read Dom’s inaugural Senate Summary and have your say on the issues being discussed.