MOOP Troopers dislike big butts
MOOP Troopers dislike big butts

Get involved with MOOP Troops

With a campus the size of a small town, Macquarie generates quite a lot of waste – some of which doesn’t find its way into bins for proper disposal. Litter prevention is an area where what we do as individuals has a large impact on collective behaviours, so Macquarie Sustainability is inviting us all  to do our bit in a simple and fun way by enlisting in the  MOOP (Matter Out of Place) Troops initiative!

The Beverage Industry Environment Council’s Understanding Littering Behaviour in Australia study  identified a large number of behavioural types associated with littering, including:

  • Wedgers’ stuff disposable objects into small spaces where they will not be seen, such as behind a seat
  • Undertakers’ bury disposable objects under sand or leaves
  • Foul shooters’ aim for the bin but miss, and leave the object on the ground.

Interestingly, the study also found that littering rates are similar between men and women, and between people of all ages – so no, it’s not just the students! While the under 25 year olds are more likely to litter in groups, adults over the age of 25 are more likely to undertake discreet, unconscious littering behaviours.

With resources, tools, information and the incentive of winning 2014 Department Sustainability Challenge points and a seasonal fruit box, engaging with MOOP Troops is a simple and fun activity for your department to get involved with. Check out the website to start making a difference to our campus littering culture today.