On 15 November, the University came together to recognise and celebrate the achievements and contributions of our academic community at the 2023 Academic Staff Awards.
Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton praised the tremendous accomplishments of the nominees and also thanked professional staff for their support of the University’s education and research missions.
“It is a great pleasure to recognise the outstanding achievements of the finalists, who have given their time, industry and intellect to solve the big global problems through research excellence and change the livelihoods of students through learning and teaching,” said the Vice-Chancellor.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards
Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Student-Nominated Award
Recognises staff for their teaching and support of learning that influences, motivates and inspires students to learn.
Dr Irina Dedova, Department of Chiropractic, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Associate Professor Richard Garner, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr Ali Lalbakhsh, Macquarie University College
Dr LayPeng Tan, Department of Marketing, Macquarie Business School
Dr Hector Viveros Tapia, Department of Management, Macquarie Business School
Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Sessional Staff Award
Recognises sessional staff for their approaches to teaching and support of learning that influences, motivates and inspires students to learn.
Mr Camille Rahme, Department of Chiropractic, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Services
Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Early Career Award
Recognises staff for their quality teaching and support of learning, and the impact they have on influencing, motivating and inspiring students to learn.
Dr Madeline Taylor, Macquarie Law School, Faculty of Arts
Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Learning and Teaching Innovation
Recognises the development and implementation of innovations that improve learning, teaching or assessment to enable, motivate, support and inspire students to learn.
The team of: Associate Professor Louise Koelmeyer, Dr Belinda Thompson, Robin Blumfield, Professor Catherine Dean, Robbie Blackwell, Dr Kylie Gwynne, Fiona Tisdall Blake, Dr Morwenna Kirwan, Matthew Robson and Chloe Szilas, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Recognises staff for their excellence in teaching and support of learning and the impact they have on influencing, motivating and inspiring students to learn.
Dr Natasha Todorov, School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Vice-Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award
Recognises educational leadership that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or student experience.
Associate Professor Josephine Paparo, School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences.
Research Excellence Awards
Excellence in Higher Degree Research Awards
Presented for outstanding research undertaken by a current or former higher degree research candidate (in both HASS and STEMM-based disciplines).
Michelle Bishop, School of Education, Faculty of Arts
Thom Dixon, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts
Jaime A. Alvarado-Montes, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Dr Ali Lalbakhsh, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision – Supervisor of the Year
Recognises our outstanding Higher Degree Research (HDR) supervisors who enable our HDR candidates to achieve their highest potential.
Professor Niloufer Selvadurai, Macquarie Law School, Faculty of Arts
Early Career Researcher of the Year
Acknowledging outstanding performance in research by an early career researcher (in both HASS and STEMM-based disciplines).
Dr Emlyn Dodd, Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts
Associate Professor Noushin Nasiri, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Excellence in Research – Five Future-shaping Research Priorities
Winners demonstrate the real-world impact of Macquarie University research in delivering benefits to Australian and international communities.
Healthy People
The team of: Professor Catherine McMahon, Professor Leanne Holt, Associate Professor Boe Rambaldini, Dr Kylie Gwynne, Luke Halvorsen, Kai Nash, Noeleen Lumby, Cara Cross, Dr Yvonne Dimitropoulos, Dr Andrea Salins, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences and Faculty of Arts
Resilient Societies
Associate Professor Mark Alfano, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
Prosperous Economies
The team of: Dr Miles Yang and Dr Candy Lu, Department of Management, Macquarie Business School
Secure Planet
Professor Tina Soliman-Hunter, Macquarie Law School, Faculty of Arts
Innovative Technologies
Professor Tao Gu, School of Computing, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Excellence in Research Integrity
The inaugural Excellence in Research Integrity award recognises outstanding contribution, leadership or innovation in research integrity by an individual or team.
Associate Professor Mianna Lotz, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
Excellence in Research Innovation, Partnership and Entrepreneurship Award
Recognises and rewards excellence in research innovation, partnership, commercialisation, translation, and entrepreneurship at Macquarie University.
The team of: Distinguished Professor Phil Taylor, Dr Bishwo Mainali, Dr Vivian Mendez, Dr Maciej Maselko, Dr Soo Jean Park, Dr Mary Whitehouse, Dr Piotr Trebicki, Applied BioSciences Insect Biosecurity Team, Faculty of Science and Engineering
The Jim Piper Award for Excellence in Research Leadership
Recognises outstanding and inspiring researchers who are on a path to becoming both a leading researcher and a research leader at Macquarie University.
Professor Helen Rizos, Macquarie School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Watch the full Academic Staff Awards ceremony below: