Our 2021 Academic Staff Awards winners are…


The University community came together on 30 November for the 2021 Academic Staff Awards online ceremony, recognising the excellence and innovation of Macquarie University staff in learning and teaching, and research.

In introducing the winners and finalists, the Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton emphasised how Macquarie staff had ‘risen to the occasion’ in responding to the challenges of COVID-19.

“I could not be prouder of each and every one of our colleagues who demonstrate how to collaborate, to share ideas and to support one another during the challenging times we have had.

“On behalf of the entire Macquarie University community, I would like to thank and congratulate all the finalists for their extraordinary efforts and for making Macquarie University such a special place to study and work.”

There were some lovely comments in the chat panel from those watching the ceremony, such as:

“Many warm congratulations to all the winners – you make the whole institution look good!”

“Such amazing talent across the board – truly Macquarie is the home of world-class research and teaching.”

“I’m feeling totally inspired by the incredible researchers we have at MQ. Great job by the judging panels, I don’t know how you did it!”

“Thank you and congratulations to our brilliant professional staff as well. You make all the difference!”

Congratulations to all the winners.

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student-Nominated Award

  • Dr Holly Doel-Mackaway, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr Petra Graham, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Professor Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Macquarie Business School
  • Dr Prashan Karunaratne, Macquarie Business School
  • Dr John Turchini, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Sessional Staff Award
Dr Amanda Head, Faculty of Arts 

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Early Career Award
Dr Joel Fuller, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Dr Alissa Beath, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Learning Innovation
Shamim Joarder, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)

Vice-Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award
Professor Leonie Tickle, Macquarie Business School

Research Excellence Awards

Excellence in Higher Degree Research

  • Dr Jenny Lee, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
  • Dr Corrine Sullivan, Faculty of Arts

Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision – Supervisor of the Year
Professor Chris Patel, Macquarie Business School

Early Career Researcher of the Year

  • Associate Professor Daniel Ghezelbash, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr Sidong Liu, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Excellence in Research – Five Future-shaping Research Priorities

  • Innovative Technologies: Associate Professor Dominic Berry, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Secure Planet: Professor Neil Saintilan, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Prosperous Economies: Professor Maroš Servátka, Macquarie Business School
  • Healthy People: The team of: Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite, Professor Enrico Coiera, Professor Johanna Westbrook, Associate Professor Yvonne Zurynski, Professor Andrew Georgiou, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
  • Resilient Societies: The team of: Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Professor Sandy O’Sullivan, Dr Tristan Kennedy, Madi Day, Tetei Bakic, Dr Jo Rey, Faculty of Arts

Excellence in Research Innovation, Partnership and Entrepreneurship
The team of: Dr Sourabh Khandelwal, Professor Michael Heimlich, Emeritus Professor Anthony Parker and Professor Simon Mahon, Melissa Gorman, Faculty of Science and Engineering

The Jim Piper Award for Excellence in Research Leadership
Professor Liz Pellicano, Faculty of Arts

Watch the ceremony 





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  1. Congratulations to all the highly commended and winners of the Academic Staff Awards and to the teams that support them. The level of excellence in Learning & Teaching and Research has me excited and energised for the future of Macquarie!

  2. How many times do I have to say this? The L&T Awards are NOT just for Academics. It’s so insulting to erase the great work that Professional Staff do in Learning and Teaching.

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