New Academic Promotion scheme

Academic Promotions Scheme

This week Macquarie University launches the new academic promotion policy, an innovative new approach to academic promotion.

The policy was developed in broad consultation and close collaboration with the academic community of Macquarie University, and will provide more flexible and inclusive career progression pathways for our staff.

The policy is based on Boyer’s four areas of scholarship (Discovery, Teaching, Application and Integration)* which were developed and adapted to the Macquarie University context. An additional fifth category of Leadership and Citizenship allows staff to capture the demonstration of shared values and our capacity to work together and support each other toward both personal and institutional goals.

Professor Marie Herberstein, Chair of Academic Senate and member of the promotion review working group, says the new policy will better reflect, support and award the diversity of academic activities at Macquarie University.

“In addition to providing a broader approach to promotion, there is an increased emphasis on values, conduct and inclusion.”

“This will mean more equitable opportunities for staff who work outside the traditional research-teaching-service envelope.”

“It’s hoped the new approach to promotion further lifts job satisfaction across the campus. In the end, a happy, productive and expert workforce is all a university can hope for.”

“There is also a new process which is intended to make it clearer and easier for academics at all levels to apply successfully for promotion at Macquarie University.”

Applications for promotion under the new policy are due on 1 August for all levels.

“The policy, which recognises the diversity of academic work, will support academic staff to advance their academic career based on their merit, performance and achievement. I encourage academic staff considering an application for promotion this year to familiarise themselves with the new requirements,”  says Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton.

For more information, see the Academic Promotions website.

There will be an information session for academic staff on Monday 24 April from 10am – 3pm at Macquarie Theatre. The session will cover the new academic promotion process and criteria and how to prepare a strong application, select referees and prepare for interview. Register here.

*Source: Boyer, E. L. (1990) Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching





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