Macquarie Analytical & Fabrication Facility (MAFF)

Macquarie Analytical & Fabrication Facility (MAFF)

Analytical facility

The Faculty of Science and Engineering hosts a highly diverse range of powerful instrumentation in the shared facility which is the Macquarie Analytical & Fabrication Facility (MAFF).  This shared facility supports teaching and research within Macquarie University.  MAFF also provides access to instrumentation and technical expertise for external researchers, industry and other users requiring the instrumentation and technical support the facility provides.

The specialist technical experts within the Macquarie Analytical and Fabrication Facility can provide assistance and service across the very wide range of instruments within the facility, and related techniques.

Download the current instrumentation list. You can find more information about our instruments and people within these pages, or contact us at for direction to the most appropriate person for your request.

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