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Monday 1st. Jany. 1810 —
At 11. a.m. The 73d. Disembarked and marched to the Grand Parade to join the 102d. there.

At 12. they were formed into a Square. At ½ past 12 The Commissions of myself, Lt. Govr. OConnell & Judge Advocate Bent were read wt. due form & Solemnity – afterwards 3 Vollies fr. the Troops – then my Speech – then a Salute from Troops – and a Royal Salute fr. Shore Batteries answered by a Royal Salute from the King's Ships – which concluded the Ceremony.

I then returned to the Govt. House, accompanied by the new Lt. Govr. Judge Advocate, and also by the late Lt. Govr. Col: Paterson, and a number of the Gentlemen of the settlement to hear me take and administer the usual Oaths by the Judge Advocate to me, and by me to him and the new Lt. Govr. ; after which I addressed the Gentlemen present on the late events in this Colony – and then dismissed them. — I issued a Proclamation on this same day announcing my appointment and His Majesty's sentiments on the late mutinous and tumultuous Proceedings in this Colony against the late Governor. We all dined again this day with Lt. Col: Foveaux, with whom Col: Paterson was at this time living as a Guest, his own place of residence being at Parramatta.

In the Evening the Town was very finely illuminated wt. a number of Bone–fires [sic] – The Kings Ships were also beautifully illuminated – and then a great number of Sky Rockets. —

Tuesday 2d. Jany. 1810 —
Mr. The Revd. Mr. Cowper, and several others of the principal Inhabitants called upon me today. Mr. & Mrs. Bent dine with us.

Wedy. 3d. Jany.
Lt. Col. Foveaux and all the Officers of the 102d. Regt. waited on me this day.

Thursdy. 4th. Jany. —
I went wt. Col: Foveaux in his Gig this morning to look at the Barracks and some new Buildings carrying on. —

I visited Mrs. Mc.Arthur along wt. Col: OConnell.

Capt. & Mrs. Pasco, Col: OConnell and some offrs. of the 73d. dined wt. us today. —

Monday 8th. Jany. —
All those officers of Govt. displaced since the arrest of Govr. Bligh were reinstated this day in their respective offices. —

Tuesday 9th. Jany.
The Estramina Col: Schooner sailed this morning for the Derwent wt. Dispatches for Capt. Bligh & Col: Collins – and to touch at Port Dalrymple on her return.

Wedy. 10th. Jany. —
The Resource Col: Schooner Sailed this Evg. for the Hawkesbury to bring up Grain & Potatoes for the King's Stores.

Fridy. 12. Jany. — I sent off Mr. Knight the Supt. of the Govt. Agriculture to prepare immediately 6 or 8 acres of Land at Castle–hill for Planting Potatoes – and to prepare also 3 or 400 acres of Ground for Sewing Wheat.

Monday 15th. Jany.
The Marian Commanded by Capt. John Earl anchored this morning in Sydney Cove in 73 days from Bengal laden with Grain [?] & Piece Goods [?] &c. –; the former a most reasonable relief for the Colony. —

Tuesday 16th. Jany. —
At Noon Mr. Kent, attended by 5 other Gentlemen of Sydney, waited on me with an address from the Inhabitants of the Colony – to which I made the reply.

In the Evening all the Houses in the Town of Sydney were finely illuminated.

Wedy. 17th. Jany. 1810.
His Majesty's Ship Porpoise Capt. Porteous, having Commodore Wm. Bligh (with his Flag) on board, anchored this day at _ past 2. P.M. in Sydney Cove. — Sent my Aide de Camp Capt. Antill on bd. with a complimentary Message to Commodore Bligh wt. an invitation to come to dine with me on shore today, which having declined I sent him off his Dispatches in the Evening. His Flag was saluted wt. 13 Guns.

The Ship Union, Wm. Collins Master, from Calcutta, and last from the Derwent anchored this day in Sydney Cove; being laden with Spirits, Rice & Wheat for Derwent.

The Brig Experiment, Jos. Dodd Master, from Calcutta, anchored this day also in the Harbour; being laden wt. Contract Wheat.

Thursdy. 18th.
Commodore Bligh accompanied by his Daughter Mrs. Putland and Secry. Mr. Griffin, landed at 11 OClock this forenoon under the Salute due to his former Rank as Govr. of the Colony, and was recd. at the Govt. Wharf by a Guard of Honor of the two Flank Companies of the 73d. Regt. — He was escorted from the Landing Place to the Govt. House by Lt. Col. OConnell and my Staff. — After receiving him at Govt. House, we rode out together in my Carriage to the 73d. Camp to see the Corps fire in honor of the Day – then came back to Town – and the Commodore and his Family returned on board. — We had a Party of Friends to dine with us – and the Commodore declined making one of it.

Fridy. 19th. Jany.
Commodore Bligh and his Daughter Mrs. Putland and Secry. Griffin dined with us today; and I have asked them to live with us as long as they remain at this Settlement. —

Fridy. 26th. Jany.
Commodore Bligh recd. his arms back that were taken from him on his arrest – and his Sword was delivered him by me. — His Repositories were opened same day in his presence by Secry. Finucane – and he examined the remaining Papers in them – but the principal ones were missing. —

Sundy. 28th.
The Lady Nelson wt. Lt. Crane & Relief for Norfolk Island Sailed for that Settlement this morning.

Mondy. 29th.
The Tryal Brig Capt. Seronio [?] wt. Major Gordon & Relief for Port Dalrymple Sailed this morning for that Settlement.

I reviewed the 102d. Regt. this morning, the Officers of whom dined with me the same day.

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Macquarie, Lachlan. Memoranda & Related Papers. 22 December 1808-14 July 1823.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
ML Ref: A772 19-20 ff. [Microfilm Reel CY301 Frames #25–26].

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