Natural sciences in the media

We have links to videos, podcasts, articles and other sources where you can learn about our exciting research, and the hot topics in natural sciences.

  • Associate Professor Craig O'Neill is involved in investigating the impact asteroids have had on our world. Watch the whole segment on Catalyst.
  • Dr Katie Dafforn talks to Beached Az about seismic testing and how bad is it for sea animals.
  • Australia's inland rivers are the pulse of the outback. By 2070 they'll be unrecognisable. Read more about Zac Larkin and Tim Ralph's research in The Conversation.
  • Watch TOMRA talk to Dr Katie Dafforn about Sydney Harbour's clean-up, and policies around this iconic waterway.
  • Are your vegetables safe to eat? What's in the soil they're growing in? Mark Taylor talks to The Lighthouse.