This program includes the following projects:
  • Let the walls speak! The tombs of Beni Hassan
  • The ancient Egyptians' atypical relationship with invertebrates
  • A spring of silver, a treasury in the earth: Coinage and wealth in Archaic Athens
  • Strangers in a strange land: The ancient Egyptian mummies of Macquarie University
  • An environmental history of ancient Meir
  • Wadi Araba and Abu Rawash projects
  • Secrets of the ancient Egyptian embalmers: an archaeological, historical and scientific investigation of the origins and development of mummification

See also the following field work projects associated with projects in other research programs:
  • Tell Ganub Qasr al-Aguz
  • Macquarie University Theban Tombs Project
  • Immortal Egypt: Tradition and transition during the First Intermediate Period at Meir
  • Bribir excavation project
  • Monks in the pharaohs' tombs: Recovering Coptic-era monasticism in the ancient Egyptian landscape of Akhmim