MacICT is committed to an iterative design process for all our activities which are constantly updated based on feedback we receive. As a part of providing a quality service to teachers and students we ask that they complete a survey after each activity. Here are some responses to the new student Boot Camps run in 2012.

Student Responses

What did you like the most?
  • “All tasks were enjoyed, but one most outstanding one was the stages of building the robot. We got to expand our imagination, as to how our robot is built, to any shape or form we wanted. There was no limitation or restriction to it, which made it the most enjoyable and fun.”
  • “Making the game with my friend and exploring different things and most of all having the most fun that I have had the whole week.”
  • “Completing a challenge after I worked really hard.”
  • “The DIY experience and the chance to make your own robot, while being trusted to use expensive equipment.”
  • “That it was a educational way to learn how to make video games.”
  • “I enjoyed the creativity in getting to create your own robot without the hassle of sticking to instructions. This helped the flow and enjoyment of the day as what you were working on was personalised to your own choice.”
  • “I liked rebuilding the robot so that it could clear away all the debris and fix any additional problems by using trial and error.”
  • “I enjoyed making my partner, Eve, proud. I like doing teamwork challenges so I pretty much enjoyed all of the day.”
  • “I enjoyed when we created and shared each others games. Lots of different unique abilities to make interesting games.”
  • “I liked designing and experimenting with the robots balance when I was constructing it. The logic in it was very great.”

Teacher Responses

Wiley Park Girls HS News Item
“One of the best excursions we’ve had this year”
  • “Great in bringing me up to speed, showing me the links to the curriculum.”
  • “I feel like crying from joy, to see the students so engaged. This is what they need.”
  • “The timing of a workshop on game design using Kodu was perfect for the new DERs. Thorough workshop that went through the whole process. Feel very equipped to take this back to school.”
  • “Fabulous. Able to get through a great deal of instruction and hands-on in one day!”

If you would like to give feedback on one of our activities feel free to contact us using the form below.

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